Non Ducor Duco - I Am Not Led; I Lead

Equiping Stundents for Success

Insipring Academic Excellence

Expansive Learning Environment

Discipline Through Sports

About Us

Prime Objectives

1. To teach learners what they need so that the end product is a person who feels good about him/herself and who can earn a living even after 12 or more years of what passes for education.

2. To teach learners to learn what real learning is, instead of knowing the answers when measured by examination.

3. To teach learners to know that real learning is a cast of mind, a habit of life, a way of thinking about things, a way of growing and changing.

4. To teach learners to first believe in themselves before they can really learn.

5. To base teaching not only on analytical intelligence (the sort we measure in IQ), tests in most examinations, but also on other kinds of intelligence (musical, spatial, linguistics, kinetics and the new idea of emotional intelligence.

6. To motivate educators to discover what talent form of intelligence exist in a learner so that the learner can feel good at something with a portfolio of skills he/she can use to earn a living in the world of work.

Anciliary Objectives

1. To be a solution oriented organization, staffed with people who have integrity and very high skill level in appropriate fields. To be expert at satisfying customer needs via quality teaching.

2. To be a customer responsive organization which is unencumbered by bureaucracy?

3. To establish long-term relationship with customers (i.e. all stakeholders, viz: parents, learners, business, education department and government)

4. To be an equal opportunity employer, providing an environment conducive to career development and personal growth for all staff.

5. To develop and conduct programmes to help under privileged individuals uplift themselves through realization of their own potential.

6. To promote support sporting talent.


To be a pioneering school in a transforming Zimbabwe, committed in providing an exemplary model of an advanced and holistic education to both Primary and Secondary students.

Core Values

  • Courtesy
  • Empathy
  • Honesty
  • Respect
  • Hardworking
  • Reverence to God
  • Ubuntu

Mission Statement

To provide an educational institution that strives towards academic excellence within the bounds of a safe and secure environment, which enables each learner to develop to his or her own full potential, thereby, producing competent, free thinking, well adjusted citizens in an ever changing society.